Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Introductory Task.

First day of lectures and we already have assignments~!

I'm not complaining. No I'm not. Haha.

Mr. AC explained that the blog are to be used as course journals and to reflect what we have learned and understood from each lecture. Coming from a local high school, this is a very unheard way of doing assignments but I certainly do welcome this change!

Well, we were having CSCI with Mr. AC and the first lecture was a brief intro from every one of us and to computers. The first lecture really got me going with anticipation for the next one! (Though we were all a little annoyed at the fact that the Mini Audi. was locked and we had to WAIT for Mr. AC to get someone to open the doors for us. I mean, wasting time isn't good you know. I hope the Taylors authority would look into this matter.)

The intro went like this for me:

'Hello every one, my name is Qihong and i'm from Ipoh. Well, computers have impacted my life on a large scale, in a good and bad way. On the good side, we have the internet for research and Facebook, and also various forms of entertainment. But on the BAD side.. I guess I don't need to elaborate, all of us know it deep down, addiction and some other stuff. Yeah. The initial expectations that I had for this subject was to learn the things that I still not know about computers, as I only possess some basic skills for computer-using.'

So that's it for today!

I bid you all farewell and good day! :)

P.S. Hello Mr. AC! :D

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