Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Mr AC!! Why are our tasks getting harder and harder? My brain juice is almost at complete-depletion.. D:

But well, come to think of it, the questions we were given are quite thought-provoking. They just make us wonder about the what-if's when things just go back to prehistoric conditions.

Retracing development's footsteps back to when the computer was first invented in the year 1936, it is very obvious that computers have kind of 'monopolized' most of our lives for 74 years. Now, computers are present in many things and in many forms. Without much doubt, it has brought to us much convenience, but what are the cons in the unending growth of computers? We shall plunge ourselves into that topic through the following questions and its explanations.


#1. Do you think the life of our human race will be prolonged or driven to extinction by computers? Why do you think so?

To answer the first part of the question, I think that our lives can be prolonged through the usage of computers. This is clearly demonstrated through the usage of certain medical equipments, such as:

Pic-01. Life support machines.

Pic-02. Robots to carry out complicated operations.

Pic-03. Dialysis machines.

Besides this, supercomputers are used to process a series of calculations and data in researches that are related to the medical field. With the help of supercomputers, researches have turned out with breakthroughs for the field, proven in the following link:
This is a great leap in improving and sustaining human life, and nevertheless, it is done with the help of computers. In a way, computers DO prolong our lives.

Pic-04. Supercomputers which aid in research purposes.

In addition to computers prolonging our lives, it actually makes it so much more easier, improved and better. Communication nowadays are already across borders without needing us to shift ourselves. Messages can be sent, and phone calls can be made, in a matter of a few minutes or seconds, using the internet, through the computer. Of course, this feature is supported by a network of mobile phones, home/office computers and satellites.

Pic-05. Satellites.

Pic-06. Communicating using the mobile phone.

Pic-07. Personal computer.

Moving on to the second part of the question, about our lives driven to extinction by computers. Hmm.. In a way, yes, but in another way, no.

Why yes? We are relying on computers so much, we are already being pulled by the nose by the computers! Our lives would just stop, just like that. No one would know what to do. And for a long time, no one would be able to adapt to such an environment. It's like going back to the prehistoric ages! How's that for living when all your life has been such a convenience?

Pic-08. Going back to the prehistoric times?! Nooooooooooooo!!! O_O

In addition, it is also wiping out humanity. Computers are replacing many things in our lives, from pets to maids and even our spouses! The video below shows a woman in UK who has fallen in love with a MacbookPro and wants to marry 'him'. If this spreads and continues, computers will TRULY drive mankind to extinction, as when there is no reproduction, the population just keeps dying off and one fine day *poof* all of us will be gone O_O But who knows, maybe when that time REALLY comes, humans can reproduce with computers! *eeeeeeeeeeeeeekkk*

Vid-01. Enjoy! :p

But why no? With the presence of robots and computers in various fields now, we're driven to extinction, in terms of job vacancies. Force labour is no longer needed because they are replaced by machines, computers, robots. BUT. It is the human brain that has created the computer, and of course we are capable of coming up with a solution, and thus the creation of many other fields of work and jobs with relevance to the growth of the computer/technology industry. This isn't extinction in anyway, but a push for us to apply innovation.

#2. Would the human race survive if all the computers in the world crashed? Who would be most badly hit?

There is no doubt that the most badly hit people would be those on life support machines or those who require certain machines to sustain their lives. This can lead to their deaths in the worst cases.
Secondly, are people whose work are related computers eg. international business corporations, technicians, manufacturing companies and internet service providers. They would have no means of communication nor do they have anything to work on. With the flow cut off, unemployment would most probably arise.

Putting aside people who rely on machines to live, I would think that the human race would be able to survive IF to say the computers in the world crashed. Computers are just an 'accessory' to humans and they just make our lives much more simple and convenient, but they are not a MUST. If so, how would have the humans during the prehistoric times go through and evolve to the 'us' now? They didn't require Facebook or Gmail back then, so why can't we go back to basics?
I believe that humans will be able to cope with that situation, but given that they will need some time (like maybe 30-40 years?) to adapt to a computer-less age.


Conclusively, I think that the growth of computers and it's involvement in different fields should be given a limit, as when we rely too much on computers, we will be bounded to them, we will become 'clingy', we'll become a slave to computers. Therefore, we must learn to stand on ourselves, even if it means that we have to fall for countless times before succeeding.

Our session this post has reached its end..! Tune in next time folks (a.k.a. Mr AC)! Ciao :P


  1. Owh, like that larh now !
    At first say very hard ... cannot do, but then you did it nicely anyways .Btw, the comment Mr AC gave you for your first blog is so short ! Mine is long long ... Meaning he likes mine better ! HAHAH !


    You wanna read it again ? It's so interesting you can read it a few times without getting bored ! Plus, there's my face there ...
    This is the URL to a whole new world :

    Btw it's Bonnie here .
    From Section 2 .
    I love your classes and I want a distinction .

  2. Qi Hong is really putting his mind, heart and soul into the reflection questions. He deserves a 'well-done'.

    Bonnie: I like all my students! =)
