Sunday, January 24, 2010

Critics of a Web Critic, Criticising Using Criticism Critically.

web critic assignment huh? it's time to be vicious.. teeheehee.. :D *evil eyes*

Amongst the 13 types of websites I've chosen to blog about.. blogs. Haha.

Well, blogs are a form of an online journal where people use it to write about their daily lives, interests and express themselves. I'm gonna give my personal views about a food blog:

The valuation starts...

#1. Affiliation (linkage of institutions to the blog)
There is not much to relate this blog to affiliation as it is a food blog created by the owner to express his personal views regarding his interest in food.

#2. Audience (appropriateness of info posted on the blog)
Since I have chosen a food blog to talk about, the blog is G-rated and the blog owner uses appropriate language in elaboration and explanation. No vulgar, explicit language, or extreme comments were used. The language used are also simple and easy to understand.

#3. Authority (listing of author and credentials)
In a blog, the posts are updated by the owner(s) themselves, thus the posts are definitely written by the blog owner(s). As in this case, the food blog is owned by ONE individual and without much ado the author is the blog owner.
As for credentials, they are not needed as stated in #1 because of it's identity as a blog created for personal usage. But being a food blog, the locations of the places were stated clearly.

#4. Content
In terms of content, this blog has displayed very good standards as both the explanations and pictures are very well organized. Other than that, the links provided by the blog owner are in working condition. Also, being a food blog, the blog posts were short and sweet with a personal touch from the owner himself. It wasn't too chunky in words and is really interesting with nicely-taken pictures shown to the audience. All description and no visual works surely would not work for a FOOD blog.

Pic-01. The picture shows the excellent organization of info in the blog post.

#5. Currency
The information regarding the whereabouts and contact information of the restaurant recommended and prices of the food are true at the time the author blogged about it. The author does not update the information in his posts but he does state that the information shown is correct at the time of posting and is subject to change.

#6. Design
The design of the blog recruits simplicity as its theme, with some touches of colour at the blog title then with the background of the blog being black and the background of the blog posts being white. This is very suitable for this blog, as being a FOOD blog, the impact people receive are not from the blog design itself, but the recommendation and description of the food. The blog owner uses high-resolution and colourful pictures in his blog posts to show a contrast in colour and to attract attention of his viewers to the food, rather than to the design. The site loads good, provided that the internet connection is not problematic. The visual effects on the site are handled well. Also to state that the navigation within the website is easy with given tabs and categories.

Pic-02. Simple designs are used attractively.

Pic-03. Tabs in categories enable blog viewers to find what they're looking for easily.

#7. Objectivity
The website has moderated advertisements and are placed in between blog posts. Even so, it makes the blog page seem cramped as there isn't much free space. Personally, I do not think that the blog would raise any preconceptions in any way.

Pic-04. Ads in between blog posts.


There goes my comments regarding the food blog! It certainly was really hard to keep my saliva in when writing this blog post! The food looks amazing doesn't it? :D

After this blog post, what I'm very sure of is, managing any of the 13 types of website is not an easy job. Like my somewhat dying-away blog.. *sweats*

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