Thursday, April 1, 2010


"You're hot and you're cold,
you're yes and you're no,
you're in then you're out,
you're up and you're down"
-Hot N' Cold, Katy Perry

In and out, in and out, in and out.. That's how input and output works, through a series of commands, from either pressing buttons or screaming at the device.


The device I'm looking at, is the all-new 12.1 megapixel smart phone from Sony Ericsson, the Satio. It is stylish, it is sassy, it possesses multi-functions.

As the Satio is a fully touchscreen phone, most commands are made through tapping on the phone's 16 million colours 3.5 inch touch-sensitive screen.

Besides that, there are also buttons on the sides of the Satio as well as the front-bottom of the phone which includes the call/hang up button, the menu button, the volume toggle cum zoom in/out button, and the camera button.

The interactive touch-sensitive screen also enables the phone users to write on it with the provided stylus as the phone is installed with handwriting recognition system.

With relevance to the touch functions provided to the phone, entertainnment (music, videos, photos etc.) can be accessed.

Also, the input of handwriting upon the Satio's touch sensitive screen will also provide an output of text on the phone.

Click (touching) certain icons on the screen will also initiate vibrations, as a way to let phone users know that the icon has been successfully clicked on.

The phone is a combination of entertainment, work and communication, thus it is cost-effective in a way that people are not required to buy different devices of a specific function at a higher price. The simple buttons offered are also convenient.

Satio, with its combination of most of the latest technology, exposes people to use the latest technology with creativity and innovation

The multi-touch-sensitive screen is the only way to input messages or text because there is no keypad. It will prove to be quite troublesome in certain situations to key in a reply to an email or an sms.

The fact that the screen is a touch screen will give rise to problems such as it's fragility and how easily it will get smudged.

All in all, the Satio would be my ideal device as it is a combination of a phone, camera and entertainment device, all of which I have the need to use casually or professionally. It is also a very stylish and elegant device that can act as an accessory to my daily life.